Monday, August 6, 2012

Peninsular Malaysia electricity demand growth (update)

From my earlier posting, I forecasted that Peninsular Malaysia electricity demand growth to be around 2%.
  Electricity Demand Growth in Peninsular Malaysia

Based on the latest data (workplace), electricity demand growth stands at 2.3% from last year. This is despite ALL the transformational program that the government has promoted to become a "high income" nation. This is the SECOND lowest recorded max demand growth, with the lowest being in 2009 (1.7%).

What this means is that there is no worry about meeting electricity demand growth. The present plan is sufficient to cater for 2% per annum growth (whatever is the government initiative to stimulate economic growth)  Heavy industry sector (namely steel & cement) that contributes to elecricity demand growth will remain to be around 2% or less.

Then again, this is just a forecast. Only Allah Knows the future....

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