Wednesday, October 6, 2010

PMR 2010

Sedikit coretan khas utk anak saya yg kedua.

Aisyah akan mendudukki PMR bermula 5 Okt 2010. 6 bulan pertama dulu, dia tak banyak buat ulangkaji. Tapi masuk saja Julai 2010, nampak beliau terus "pulun".

The way she studied, reminds me of the way I used to study SRP & SPM. Last minute study. No doubt that when we are young, we tend to think short term and try as much as possible to enjoy ourselves. But studying last minute has got it's risks and as we grow older and realise how important the exams are, we then revert to a more consistent way of doing things.

I make dua that my daughter does well in her studies. Whatever the outcome, she has demonstrated that she has tried her best, albeit last minute. I also always advise her not to tinggal solat. Kita mesti serah pada Allah setelah berusaha bersungguh2.

Amalan saya, sebelum mula peperiksaan baca Surah Alam Nashrah. Pernyataan Allah dlm surah ini bahwa disamping kesukaran ada kemudahan karena itu diperintahkan kepada Nabi & manusia agar tetap melakukan amal-amal baik dan bertawakkal kepada-Nya.


1 comment:

ibnujusup said...

moga dapat keputusan yang cemerlang....adik aisyah.. dapat berjaya dunia akhirat..amin..