Friday, October 29, 2010

Bercuti dirumah sambil berfikir

Alhamdulillah, satu episod dlm kehidupan saya telah berlalu.

Pada 19-25 Okt 2010, saya berihat dirumah setelah menjalani angioplasti.
Semasa berehat dirumah, saya penuhkan masa dgn banyak berfikir. Berfikir tentang kehidupan & erti kehidupan itu sendiri.

Saya banyak mengingati Allah & mensyukuri nikmat Allah. Saya dapat rasakan ketenangan yg betul2 tenang. Tergerak utk menulis bahwa ramai manusia tertipu dgn kehidupan. Ramai yg beranggapan bahwa dgn mempunyai wang (material) serta pangkat, hidup ini indah sekali. Betapa itu satu tanggapan yg salah. Betul, kalau ada wang, hidup menjadi mudah.. Tapi kalau ada banyak wang, sehingga wang itu menguasai setiap gerak geri kita, itu bukan lagi kehidupan yg baik.

Saya dinasihatkan doktor supaya mengawal stress terutama semasa kerja. Saya tahu bahwa semasa waktu kerja, penyebab kpd stress selalunya adalah "expectation" kita pada kerja itu sendiri. You have to be calm & let go some of the high expectation of work. To be calm -> is to remember Allah. To let go the expectation -> you have to be sabr & tawakkal kpd Allah. It is time to do your best & leave it to Allah. If it goes well -> thank Allah. If it does not go well -> there must be something wrong with yr relationship with Allah or/and with yr community. Improve that in the future.

If yr relation with Allah & yr community is good, then yr expectation will be granted by Allah - CONFIRMED.

I know it sounds not logic, but that is what we call IMAN & TAQWA. Try it!!

Selamat beramal...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Angiogram & Angioplasty

Posting kali ini adalah catatan proses angiogram & angioplasty yg saya lalui tanggal 18 Oktober 2010.

From posting terakhir saya, dari keputusan ECG, memang sah saya mempunyai sumbat pada arteri jantung saya. Saya dinasihatkan oleh doktor utk proses angioplasty.

Sedikit mengenai doktor yg merawat saya. Prof Dr Haizal adalah pakar jantung di hospital Tropicana Medical Centre (TMC). Beliau berada di Universiti Hospital selama 12 tahun sebelum berpindah ke TMC. Beliau juga adalah sahabat saya semasa di MCKK. Beliau juga pernah merawat arwah ayah saya & anak beliau bersahabat baik dgn anak saya.

Beliau telah memberi penerangan berkenaan proses yg akan saya lalui. Dia inginkan saya berkeadaan sedar. Angiogram adalah proses mengenalpasti dimanakah sumbat pada arteri jantung dgn memasukkan dakwat pada arteri dan x-ray akan menunjukkan dimana sebenarnya kedudukan sumbat tersebut. Angioplasty pula adalah proses membesarkan kembali sumbat tersebut supaya darah beroksigen cukup untuk otot2 jantung dipam keseluruh bahagian badan. Teknologi terkini menggunakan belon utk besarkan arteri & disumbatkan "spring" supaya arteri ini terbuka kembali.

Doktor memasukkan "dawai" melalui pembuluh utama pada lengan kanan saya & ini adalah jalan paling mudah ke arteri jantung tanpa perlu membedah dada. Bayangkan saya sedar semasa Dr memotong pembuluh pada pergelangan tangan saya & saya boleh rasa "dawai tersebut masuk dalam lengan saya.

Alhamdulillah kedua2 proses berjalan lancar. Bermula jam 1235 dan selesai jam 1308 (32 minit). Saya memang merasa cemas semasa proses tersebut berlaku kerana ada kemungkinan serangan jantung dlm proses ini. Sepanjang proses, saya hanya berserah penuh pada Allah & jika ajal saya setakat ini, saya sudah redha. Setidak2nya ingatan pada Allah adalah ingatan terakhir jika ini adalah hembusan nafas saya yg terakhir.

Setelah semuanya selesai, saya seperti orang yg baru lahir. Sumbat pd arteri telah terbuka kembali & tiada komplikasi pada jantung. Kepada Allah saya bersyukur & saya anggap apa yg terjadi ini adalah seolah2 satu peluang kedua kpd saya. Perspektif saya berubah & saya akan menggunakan peluang ini utk beriman kpdMU.

Saya dapat rasakan dgn mengingati Allah hati ini menjadi tenang & perasaan ini adalah perasaan yg paling indah dlm hidup ini.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Stress Test

On the 6th October 2010, I did light jogging. It has been a while since I did my last jogging. That was 1 week before the start of Ramadan which was end of Jul 2010.

It has been 2 months since I did the exercise. Usually I jog at the nearby park called Taman Aman. I usually do 3 rounds, where 1 round is approx 1.2KM. On that day, as I approached half a round, I began to feel tightness in my chest. I thought that I was really unfit after not jogging for more than 2 months. But the pain became more intense as I continued my jog. I had to stop! The pain remained for 5 minutes and I said to myself, take a rest & jog tomorrow..

The next day, I was more determined and I wanted to finish my routine of 3 rounds. Again, approaching the half a round, the feeling of chest pain came and immediately I realised that something was wrong with my heart. I have never felt the tightness in my chest before, and this pain came way before the first round of my routine.

I contacted my friend, who is a cardiologist and he explained to me that I am experiencing "angina". The best thing is to see him on 11th Oct (Mon) and he will further analyse my situation.

True enough, when he did stress test & echo on my heart, it is confirmed that I am having coronary artery disease. I need to do coronary angiogram & angioplasty. What this means is they need to know where is the blockage in my heart artery and try to remove the block. The date for the angiogram will be on 18th Oct 2010.Masyaallah..

I seek readers of my blog to make doa for me so that Allah make it easy for me as well as my family. This is one of the test that Allah has given to me and I redha dgn ketentuan ini. In the mean time, I have to take 5 medicines Coversyl 5mg (hypertention), Ternomin 10mg (hypertention), Cardiprin 100mg (blood thinning), Imdur 60mg, Plavix 75mg & Lypitol 40mg (cholestrol).

Thank you all & always remember Allah

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

PMR 2010

Sedikit coretan khas utk anak saya yg kedua.

Aisyah akan mendudukki PMR bermula 5 Okt 2010. 6 bulan pertama dulu, dia tak banyak buat ulangkaji. Tapi masuk saja Julai 2010, nampak beliau terus "pulun".

The way she studied, reminds me of the way I used to study SRP & SPM. Last minute study. No doubt that when we are young, we tend to think short term and try as much as possible to enjoy ourselves. But studying last minute has got it's risks and as we grow older and realise how important the exams are, we then revert to a more consistent way of doing things.

I make dua that my daughter does well in her studies. Whatever the outcome, she has demonstrated that she has tried her best, albeit last minute. I also always advise her not to tinggal solat. Kita mesti serah pada Allah setelah berusaha bersungguh2.

Amalan saya, sebelum mula peperiksaan baca Surah Alam Nashrah. Pernyataan Allah dlm surah ini bahwa disamping kesukaran ada kemudahan karena itu diperintahkan kepada Nabi & manusia agar tetap melakukan amal-amal baik dan bertawakkal kepada-Nya.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Man Utd Season 10/11

Time to write a bit about MU this season.

My last posting was about women in my life. MU is also part of my life.

I am now relating both.

My real name is Hisham. My MU connection is Hernandez
My wife's name Rosiniwati. She is Rooney
My kids all start with alphabet A. They are Anderson
My mother is Nekmah = Nani
My cat is Blue = Berbatov

My family is very important to me.
The MU connection (in my opinion) is going to be very vital for MU this season.

I do not want to make any predictions. But like any other season before, MU will be either Champions or a close second in the EPL.

Hernadez, Rooney, Anderson, Nani & Berba in my opinion will play a very important role in MU's quests for success. Whatever the outcome, I will support MU.

Lastly, another H will no doubt will make a welcome comeback. He is Hargreaves.
