Friday, December 20, 2013

2013 - year end projects with daughters

Another year is about to come to a close.

If you follow my blog constantly, every year-end holiday I did asked my 4 daughters to achieve something together with me.

It started way back in 2009, when the first project was to solve the Rubik's 3x3 cube.

2010, was to complete hafazan Surah AtTaariq and 2011 to complete hafazan Surah Al-Buruuj. But come 2012, I did not specify  anything specific. The reason being that I thought after Surah Al-Buruuj, the remaining Juz Ammar becomes difficult.

The rule is that 1 of my 4 daughters must be able to achieve the set target. The deadline is 31 Dec each year.

2009 - Aliah (1st daughter) managed to solve Rubik's cube; I also managed in Nov2009
2010- Ain (3rd daughter) managed to hafaz At-Taariq; I managed to hafaz in Dec2010
2011- Ain (3rd daughter) managed to hafaz Al-Buruuj; I only managed to hafaz in Feb2012 (2 months delay)

But in 2013, I again set hafaz Surah Al-Insyiqaaq as the project. And this time, I wanted either Aisyah (2nd daughter) or Anis (4th daughter) to achieve it with me.

I sincerely hope we can achieve it.. together..

Make doa for me

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