I have been contemplating of starting my own blog since October 2007. But I did not know how to start. Maybe, I am shy as my writing will not be as interesting as many bloggers.
Anyway, here goes...
My main aim in writing is to remind myself that ALL of human beings are "hamba" to Allah. It is more a reminder to me than anyone else. We must not detach ourselves from Allah whether we are doing work, having a meal, talking to friends or merely relaxing. We must always get our intentions right by always consider Allah in ALL our actions. By this simple virtue mudah2an kita akan dapat keberkatan Allah dengan memasang niat bahwa walau apapun yang kita lakukan, kita niatkan ia sebagai ibadat kerana Allah Taala. Mudah2 dengan niat dan perbuatan kita..kerahmatan, pertolongan dan ganjaran dari Allah akan kita perolehi..Insyaallah
cool! welcome to the world where the possibilities are endless :)
kewl !!
welcome brother .. we need new brains and new bloggers alike ..
he he he .. jangan lupa .. keep the momentum and a post a day keeps a man sane.
Brother, Wecome to the virtual world. Truly admire your simplocity in life and your commitment to Allah.
keep on writing brother...love your simplicity and niat yang ikhlas
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