Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Surah AlBuruuj

Hari ini saya berjaya menghafal Surah AlBuruuj (22 Ayat); Surah ke 85.
Saya memang bercita2 untuk menghafaznya, namun usia meningkat membuatkan hafazan menjadi sungguh sukar sekali.

Namun begitu terdapat 7 lagi surah yg merangkumi Juz Amma (Juz ke-30)yg masih belum dihafal:
84. Insyiqaaq (25ayat) - terbelah
83. Mutaffifin (36ayat) - curang dlm timbangan
82. Infitaar (19ayat) - terbelah
81. Takwiir (29ayat) - menggulung
80. Abasa (42ayat) - masam muka
79. Naaziat (46ayat) - pencabut nyawa
78. Naba' (40ayat) - berita besar
Saya rasa tak boleh hafaz lagi, kerana surah2nya panjang sangat buat saya.

Namun begitu kejayaan menghafaz Surah AlBuruuj tetap saya kecapi dengan perasaan yg sangat gembira.


Lollies said...

Masya Allah tabarakallah! May Allah reward you in abundance.

I love this surah tremendously. It shakes me up when I come to Dzalikal fauzul kabir. which means that is a big success. referring to the companions of the ditch who was burned for believing in Allah. And yet they have the biggest success for they are admitted to Jannah. Allahu Akbar.

I wrote about it once

Demagpie.blogspot.com said...

Yes, I read it. Thank you for aspiring me to hafaz the Surah. Yes, it will definitely have effect if you really analysis the ayat (especially in Arabic).