Sunday, May 22, 2016

Some amazing Quran facts

A little fact about the Amazing Quran

1. An ayat in the Quran that has all 28 alphabet of the Arabic. (Alif & Hamzah is considered 1alphabet) is Surah Fath:29

2. A surah that has Allah in ALL its ayat is surah Mujadillah.

3. Besides 2 Masjidil Haram, Masjid Al-Aqsa & Masjid Quba', there is one mosque mentioned in the Quran (Taubah:107) that is Al-Dirar.

This mosque was situated near Masjid Quba in Madinah. It was built by the munafiquun. It was destroyed by fire.

As Ramadan approaches, let us be closer to the Quran... insyaallah

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